Gratitude notes for March 2020

Today, I was on a call with a group of people. There was one person who totally stole my attention for the way he managed people in the meeting.

He’s always calm and composed. When people bring up issues, he acknowledges them without making a big deal about it, and then he includes them in the problem-solving process. He helps that person become part of the solution, and everybody feels listened-to and accomplished by the end of it. I felt like I was learning from this person in real-time.

I like it when I get to look up to people. I hope I get to be that person for someone else every once in a while, too.

I went out for a long jog today. The first few miles felt great. There was a stretch of colorful construction fencing that made me feel like I was running inside a maze. I waved at passing sightseers in tour buses, and they waved back at me. Then my leg pulled, and I had to stop.

The area I’d gotten stranded in was a nice one. Streets were clean, and people there seemed to be out for a relaxing Sunday of their own. I decided to explore a little bit.

I went down a nice-looking side street. One one side was a golf course with sprawling fairways and a feeling of openness about it. On the other was a steep, overgrown hill with tall trees shading the sidewalk. The hill had several private properties bounded by tall steel fences. Children’s jungle gyms were abandoned and overgrown with vines and leaves. Some lots had gazeebos, instead. I could tell these were still very nice properties though; they all had paths that lead up the hill to much higher, more private residences. I wondered what the neighborhood looked like in its heyday.

I arrived at a beautiful city park and took a seat one of its benches. I sat there for a long while, feeling the sun on my sweatshirt and sweatpants. People walked by in pairs, sometimes with partners, children, dogs, friends. I’m grateful found that spot. It was a nice place to spend part of my afternoon.