Gratitude notes for December 2018

I can’t be thankful enough for how things are today. I’m happy with my work, my friends, how I spend my time, my family, and my health. I’m in a place where I truly have nothing to complain about, and I’m glad I get to live through it right now. It’ll end sooner than I realize.

I had ice cream for lunch today. And I felt good after. It doesn’t even make sense.

My buddy addressed me as “handsome” today. It caught me totally off-guard and I had a good hearty laugh. I loved it. I hope he keeps calling me that!

As it happens, there were a whole bunch of laughs to be had throughout the day. They’re so commonplace that I often forget how special they are. What a time and place for me to be alive, where a group of people can meet and feel safe enough to bond and giggle over who-knows-what.

I’m grateful that I can walk home without fear of being attacked or beaten. The fact that the possibility seems so remote is also a gift and I’m very thankful for.

I accidentally enjoyed my best walk in a long while. I’d gotten a lot of work done yesterday, and today felt like more of a day off than usual. Ironically, this made me feel easy about walking to the office to wrap up a bit of work I’d left undone on Friday.

The walk over was fantastic. I cared nothing of my appearance, so I was strutting with soft long johns, sweatshirt, and sneakers. The wind was pulling at the hoodie on my sweatshirt, and it was cool and nippy out despite a warming sun. I hadn’t exercised in more than a day, so my body was giving me zero resistance. I achieved a sense of timelessness, and it was good.

The walk only lasted twenty minutes or so, but it was long enough to lose my sense of selve. I’m thankful I can still grasp moments like those. There will come a day when I have my last walk such as this and I likely won’t realize it, so I’m grateful I had one today.